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The Highest Ancient Scripture of the Dragon and Tiger

The Highest Ancient Scripture of the Dragon and Tiger ( 《古文龍虎上經》 Guwen Longhu Shangjing ), or the Ancient Scripture of the Dragon and Tiger, Golden Elixir Formula Secretly Leading to the Way of Gold and Green, simply the Scripture of the Dragon and Tiger, the Highest Scripture of Dragon and Tiger, the Scripture of Dragon and Tiger of the Way of Gold and Green, is attributed to Yellow Emperor. Commonly regarded earlier than the Three Ways Unified and Normalized, it, according to Contemporary Scholar Wang Ming, is actually another title of the Golden Elixir Formula Secretly Leading to the Way of Gold by Yang Shenwei of the Tang Dynasty. Zhu Xi of the Song also held that the book was a later work instead of an ancient book. Divided into 32 or 26 chapters, the book, in obscure language, is similar in content to Three Ways Unified and Normalized ( 《參同契》 Cantong Qi ). Similarly, it symbolizes a cauldron with trigrams Qian and Kun, medicine with Kan and Li and the fire phases with rest 60. It compiles elixir formulae in images from the Book of Changes, and as appendix the Chart of fire Phases of the cosmic orbit ( 《攢簇周天火候圖》 Cuancu Zhoutian Huohou Tu ) and the Chart of Medicine Generation at Intercourse Between Gold ( 《金水相交生藥圖》 Jinghuo Xiangjiao Shengyao Tu ) and Fire. But it is erroneous in deduction of the Three Ways Unified and Normalized and use of the Han theory about I-Ching. The book is collected in the Supreme Mystery Section of the Daoist Canon of the Zhengtong Era. Commentaries on the book are: 3-volume Commentary and Explanation of The Scripture of Dragon and Tiger by Wang Dao in Song, Notes to The Highest Scripture of Dragon and Tiger by Unknown author.