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The Transmission of Daoist Skills from Heart to Heart

The 1-volumed Transmission of Daoist Skills from Heart to Heart ( 《道法心傳》 Daofa Xianchuan ) by Wang Weiyi of the Yuan dynasty explains the Daoist way of the mind using the theory of Yin-Yang and the trigrams of the Book of Changes. Five Yang forms in trigram Que, and Yang reaches completion at number six in trigram Qian. At that time spirit and breath are sure to unify and one must await quakes as order. When Yang reaches the ultimate, Yin begins to take form. Five Yin forms in trigram Bo, and Yin reaches completion at number six in trigram Kun. At that time, spirit and life return to the root and one must preserve breath and spirit. When Yin reaches the ultimate, Yang begins to take form. The way of creation and transformation goes on in ceaseless cycles. The book collects The Chart of All Dharmas Belonging to Mind ( 《萬法歸心圖》 Wanfa Guxin Tu ), The Chart of Anterior-heaven Original Essence ( 《先天元精圖》 Xiantian Yujing Tu ), The Chart of Anterior-heaven Original Breath ( 《先天元氣圖》 Xiantian Yuqi Tu ), The Chart of Anterior-heaven Original Spirit ( 《先天元神圖》 Xiantian Yuanshen Tu ), The Chart of Returning to Root ( 《歸根複命圖》 Guigen Fuming Tu ), The Chart of Thunder in Middle ( 《雷霆得中圖》 Leiting Dezong Tu ), and The Chart of the Changes of Yin and Yang ( 《陰陽變化圖》 Yinyang Bianhua Tu ). Collected in the Orthodox Oneness Section of the Daoist Canon of the Zhengtong Era, the book is valuable material for the study of Daoist thought in Yuan Dynasty.