Journey to the West of the Perfect Man of Eternal Spring

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The 2-volumed Journey to the West of the Perfect Man of Eternal Spring ( 《長春真人西遊記》 Changchun Zhenren Xiyou Ji ) was written by Li Zhichang, one of Qiu Chuji's disciples who accompanied him in the journey to snow mountain under Genghis Khan's invitation. The book records the geography and customs seen in the journey as well as Qiu's poems. The end of vol. 2 contains Genghis Khan's imperial descript, decrees and a letter inviting Qiu Chuji to head Tianchang Temple. This book is important for studying The Complete Perfection Tradition ( 全真道 Quanzhen Dao ), Qiu Chuji and his relations with the rulers of Yuan Dynasty. Contemporary scholars Wang Guowei and Zhang Xingliang both wrote commentaries and notes for it. It was translated into English, French and Russian. The book is collected in Orthodox Oneness Section of the Daoist Canon of the Zhengtong Era.