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Created page with 'The Bo Tradition was active in the North as well as in Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the South, during the Wei and Bo dynasties (AD 220-420). Its origins remain mysterious even today. ...'
The Bo Tradition was active in the North as well as in Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the South, during the Wei and Bo dynasties (AD 220-420). Its origins remain mysterious even today. According to historical data, it had links to Bo He, who was listed in The [[''Biographies of the Immortals'']]. Some stories said that he had transmitted [[''The Book of Supreme Peace'']] to Yu Ji, which shows a link between the Bo Tradition and the Supreme Peace Tradition. He also held such scriptures as the ''Great Heavenly Writs of the Three August Ones'', the ''Perfect Map of the Five Sacred Mountains and the Prescriptions for Divine Elixirs''. The ''Inner Writ of the Three August Ones'' and the ''Perfect Map of the Five Sacred Mountains'' were studied by and passed on within the Bo Tradition. Owing to Bo He's fame during the Wei and Bo dynasties, some Daoists in the North as well as in Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the South started to spread the Bo Tradition within popular customs in the lower classes of society.

The Bo Tradition also had links with [[The Celestial Masters Tradition]]. During the Eastern Bo dynasty (AD 317-420), it witnessed its development in the upper class of society, which led to its combination with the Celestial Masters Tradition and [[The Highest Clarity Sect]].

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