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==The Formation of the Commandments of the Complete Perfection Tradition==
[[The Complete Perfection Tradition]], which was established in the early Jin Dynasty by Wang Chongyang, is now one of the two main branches of Daoism together with [[the Orthodox Oneness Tradition]] formed in the Dade period of the Yuan dynasty. In view of the degeneration of Daoism at the end of the Song Dynasty, [[Wang Chongyang]] expressed his idea of the Integration of the Three Doctrines with reference to Buddhist thought and systems. He advocated that one be devoted to others without any thought of self, achieving one's goal of becoming an Immortal by practicing Inner Alchemy. To start with, Wang gave an account of the principles of establishing the doctrine of the Complete Perfection Tradition in his book ''[[Chongyang's Fifteen Essays on Establishing Daoism]]'' ( 《重陽立教十五論》Chongyang Lijiao Shiwulun ). It set a complete prescription on the religious life and behaviour of the Daoists of the Complete Perfection Tradition. Ma Danyang, one of Wang's followers, wrote an uttered quotation named Ten Pieces of Advice, persuading and encouraging his followers to behave themselves. Qiu Chuji, another follower of Wang's, set forth his ''Three Altar Commandments'' based on the Buddhist system of the Three Commandments ( 《三壇大戒》Santan Dajie ). The Complete Perfection Tradition developed rapidly during the Yuan and Ming dynasties with the establishment of a large number of Daoist temples of the Complete Perfection Tradition. Then in accordance with the management of Buddhist temples, the Complete Perfection Tradition worked out the ''Monastic Rules of the Complete Perfection Tradition'' in conjunction with the increase in number of Daoist temples and Daoist sects ( 《全真清規》Quanzhen Qinggui ). [[Wang Changyue]], a revered Daoist in the Qing dynasty, started Transmitting Commandments and enrolling a number of disciples in the White Cloud Temple during his stay there as the abbot, on the basis of Qiu Chuji's Three Altar Commandments. Thereby [[the Dragon Gate sect]] of the Complete Perfection Tradition was greatly strengthened and its system of Transmitting Commandments was handed down till today.

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