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The Daoist skill system includes numerous Numerological Arts ( 數術Shushu ), such as Fortune-Telling ( 算命Suanming ), Physiognomy ( 看相Kanxiang ), Geomancy ( 風水Fengshui ), and Omens and Prophecies ( 符讖Fuchen ), which aim at Divination ( 占驗Zhanayn ) and capturing good luck. The origin of all these arts can be traced to ancient times. ''The Abstract of Numerology in the General Catalog of the Complete Library of the Four Treasuries'' says, "Most of the Numerological Arts arose after the Qin and Han Dynasties. Their essentials do not go beyond the mutual production and destruction of Yin and Yang and [[the Five Agents]] ( 陰陽五行Yinyang Wuxing ). These arts are actually branches of the study of ''[[the Book of Changes]]'' ( 《易經》Yijing ) to which various theories have been added." In fact, the Book of Changes is a philosophical book evolved from records of divinations, which does not hinder its use as a means of divination. The Numerological Arts, already spread in all classes of society, were absorbed into the Daoist skill system during the formation of this religion. Still, the arts were transmitted by some non-Daoists among whom some groups make a living by practising them. Among Daoists, the most popular are divination, Hidden Periods ( 遁甲Dunjia ), Fortune-Telling, Physiognomy, Geomancy, Telling Omens ( 說符命Shuo Fuming ), and Massage-Chart Prophecy ( 《推背圖》Tuibei Tu ).

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